Tuesday, April 21, 2009

So, I had gathered together pictures of Monte Alban (even though they weren't that great), and my new favorite graffiti, and our return trip to puerto last weekend. but my computer, which has been limping along since I got here, has died a real death. So this blog is basically defunct now. This friday we go to Chiapas for a week, and after that there are only 3 weeks of classes and final projects.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spring break...

happened quite a while ago.
Abby, Ashley, Olivia and I got on a bus at 11 pm on a Thursday (after arriving home from our last fiesta excursion earlier that day)
we were pretty hopeful to begin with (as you can see from Abby and I in our sweet bus buddy picture), but even with dramamine the drive was pretty scary. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I was on a demonic roller coaster. Without any of the fun that might imply. But at 8:30 the next day we arrived in Puerto Escondido.
Basically it was paradise.

We spent the first few days at Playa Zincatela, lounging on these beach chairs and trying to play in the water. Don't let the pictures fool you--Zincatela has the third biggest waves in, well, somewhere, and there is an international surf competetion there and everything.This is what I could see from our hotel balcony! (when we weren't looking elsewhere making friends with everyone on the other balconies)

Early one morning (see the early morning light in the pic below?)

we went out on a boat! to see dolphins! and tortugas!then we got dropped off at the cutest/most awesome/best ever beach/cove/thing. It's actually 2 beaches, Puerto Angelito and Manzanillo, divided by some random rocks in the middle of the cove. Manzanillo was a favorite, and Abby and I spent probably 4 days there total. The waves there were super calm and I fell in love with the ocean! We were just sort of bobbing around with the ebb and flow when I started to do my patented breast stroke/doggie paddle combo out into the water... and once I got a little ways out I realized that even though I've lived all of my life close to the beach, I'd never really swam in the ocean.

We also went to Carizallio, which is a gorgeous beach. You have to walk down several hundred steps to get to it, but it's worth it just for the view!

The waves were a bit bigger there, enough that my fake novio of the week was teaching people to surf, but still small enough for swimming, and the shacks on the beach made the best quesadillas ever!

(beach shack!)

And just to prove that I actually was tan:
Not pictured:
-all our new friends! Almost every night we made new ones. First some older guys from SAN LUIS!!!! and all their crazy friends from places like Wisconsin and Jersey, then Julio (my fake novi0) and Jesus who took us out on the boat then met up with us at some fiesta, then some Aussies with spectacular moustaches
-Quesadillas and fruit salad. Which we ate like every day. Because they obviously make both with some sort of crack-based ingredient.
-Our amazing hotel room... at one point we had 6 people comfortably staying there, and yet the four of us who stayed there all 8 nights are paying less than $150 for our shares. How much do I love the exchange rate?
-My fake henna tattoo. A pretty random purchase, but super cute. The most adorable Australian girl did it even though I was in a piercing/real tattoo shop all run by locals... Have I mentioned that EVERYONE in Puerto besides us and the SLO boys were rocking the aussie accents? Not fair!

Since we've been back it's been a lot of work and a bit of stress, but we got to see Monte Alban! My pictures all suck because it was too bright to see the view screen, but just pretend that there are some ruiny things pictured here. At the end of the month we got to Chiapas and then it's time to start wrapping things up. I cannot believe that I've been here for over 2 months!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

So because a) my computer is dying and only has a 45 min battery life b) while I was at the beach for spring break my fave internet cafe took out half their wall outlets the internet and I are taking a bit of a break.

but someday there will be pictures of spring break. which was really, really pretty. and full of new friends. and scooters.